Stuff You Need For Operating A Laser Cutter/Engraver

  • Space, and lots of it
  • A Laser Cutter/Engraving Machine.
  • Plenty of raw materials, such as 3mm MDF, 3mm Pine Ply, 3mm Acrylic, etc.
  • Light sand paper/water paper for smoothing edges if required.
  • Light and small files for filing off and rough edges, opening up some cuts if made too small, etc.
  • Plenty superglue to stick the thinks you make together.
  • Rags for cleaning.
  • Various paints and brushes for if you want to paint anything you make.
  • Did I mention space? The laser cutters, the raw materials and the consumables all take up a lot of space.
  • Ventilation – The laser cuts with heat, which generates smoke. A workshop with very decent ventilation is required, not a nice to have.
  • A PC, not a laptop, with a decent sized monitor. Of course you can do drawing etc on a laptop, but you will battle. The small screen makes it very tricky, and in some cases very hard. The LightBurn software for example will have a lot of tabs hidden if you open it on a small screen, making it very hard to work with. All of your PC’s are installed with Ubuntu Linux as the operating system.
  • SVG Editing software, such as Inkscape.
  • Laser engraving/cutting software, such as K40 Whisperer or LightBurn.